Annual WEF-Italy, 20-23 November 2024 Rome, Italy Delegate

Dr. Harbeen Arora Rai

Dr. Harbeen Arora Rai

Founder G100 | ALL Ladies League (ALL) | Women Economic Forum (WEF) , India

Vinay Rai

Vinay Rai

Mentor, Author, Educationist & Philanthropist , India

Dr. Eleonora Bonacossa

Dr. Eleonora Bonacossa

Founder & CVO ARETA G100 Country Chair Germany - HR and Talent Development, Germany

Khadija ZIYANI

Khadija ZIYANI

professor Commune de FNIDEQ, Morocco



Retraitee Association, Morocco

Natalia de la Figuera Olano

Natalia de la Figuera Olano

CEO Self Employed, Spain

Rumina Fateally

Rumina Fateally

Chairperson SPROWT Foundation, Mozambique

annabella nassetti

annabella nassetti

Interior architect & product designer a living concept int ltd, UK

Paola Della Chiesa

Paola Della Chiesa

Marketing Professor & Consultant Business Con Stile, Italy

Claire-Marie Boggiano

Claire-Marie Boggiano

Director & Coach Lurig Leadership & Change, UK

Carmen Elena Manea

Carmen Elena Manea

Leadership and Team Coach CM-CAMP Coaching & Mindfulness, Spain

Olga Zueva

Olga Zueva

Master degree Wellness and health center, Mexico

Claudia Segre

Claudia Segre

President & Founder Global Thinking Foundation, Italy

Monica Cannalire

Monica Cannalire

Founder & MD YOUNICORN - Retail Advisors, Italy

Elisa Vacondio

Elisa Vacondio

Executive Brand and Retail Consultant EV CONSULTING, Italy

Manju K Manohar

Manju K Manohar

TEDx Speakers’ Coach WinWithManju, India

Giulia Scalzo

Giulia Scalzo

ICT & Cyber Risk Manager Unicredit, Italy

Vanessa Bartolo

Vanessa Bartolo

Consultant Qonsulenza, Italy

Karin Goettsch

Karin Goettsch

Founder and Principal Global Collaboration Insights, United States