Registration Fee: €200

REGISTRATION: latest by end October

To complete registration, kindly note the Registration Fee: € 200 (two-hundred euros)

The fee includes lunches, dinners, coffee breaks, social events and very important: private evening at Vatican Museum and Raphael’s rooms, and light dinner inside the Museum.

Pay the fee: € 200 (two-hundred euros) latest by end October


Where to pay the fee:

Bank: CREDITO EMILIANO (Address: via Bellini 22, Rome 00197)

Recipient: MUSADOC (Address: Via A. Bertoloni 55, Rome 00197)  

Iban: IT56B 03032 03200 01000 0006108


Bank transfer reason: Registration fee to WEF-Italy of NAME AND SURNAME

For queries, contact Ritu Singh: